What Is Your Motivation?

What's your motivation? Who or what is your driving force? 

Are you motivated by your hunger to achieve things in this world or hunger to serve God?

Either we are proud of this life and labour for it, or we are labouring to meet God's will concerning our lives. 

Three attitudes that motivate us, but we often don't realize that it pushes us to love this life more than the one God gave us are;

  1. SELF-CONFIDENCE: I know I can do this. A new project or an opportunity that opens up your creative talent boosts confidence. 

  2. ACHIEVING SHORT-TERM GOALS: The excitement to do and see the fruit of your labour (quickly) to achieve predictable results is far more gratifying than waiting for unpredictable spiritual goals.

  3. RECOGNITION & REWARDS: Everyone loves a little praise and the good feeling of your work getting accepted. Internal competition is present even in church. Spiritual labour does not involve any form of craving for recognition or reward on earth. It's focused on faithfully doing the Father's will till the end.

Our motivations should be driven by the love of God and not earthly pursuits. When all else is vanity, pursuing the heart of God above all else alone can prepare us for the rapture.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:3). One of the qualities other than humility that we need is being poor in spirit. When we are poor in personal passions, God works His great compassion in us to fulfil His will. 

God's compassion alone will bring wonders and miracles and direct our lives in the patient waiting for the day of Christ.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


Faith Or Freak


King and Priest, Rise Up!