God’s Word Saves Us From Falling
Why do believers fall despite knowledge of high doctrines and faith?
Firstly, we need to understand we are a work in progress. What does that mean? Sin caused 100% failure in our thinking and feeling, which affected our speaking and doing.
We are in a daily battle against the flesh that gets easily worn down. But, it gets worse when spiritually weak. Or when we get carried away by unbelief.
God did mighty works through Elijah, but he still wanted to give up because of a wicked woman's threat
King Solomon had much head knowledge but lacked the diligence to control his heart
Samson knew his high calling but loved fleshly pleasures more
God's word, above all, will save you from every fall.
What's common in almost every example of falling away in the Bible? Getting distracted from trusting in God's word makes us fall.
Elijah failed to trust in God's promise.
Solomon failed to keep God's Word.
Samson got distracted to stay focused on God's calling.
King David lost to lust for a moment that lasted a while.
The Psalmist reminds us that the righteous may fall seven times but will get up and pursue God again. But the wicked will perish in his mischief.
Elijah got up again because he went to God with his hopelessness. King David went to God with his sin. We need to trust in God and go to Him every time we feel worn out or beaten spiritually. He will lift us again!
Prepare to meet Jesus. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.