Divine Healing Is For Children Of God

Divine healing is children's meat. The Gentile woman, an unbeliever, wrestled with Jesus and got healing for her daughter. 

Paul says that without believing in the fact that Jesus was raised from the dead by the power of resurrection, the Holy Spirit, our faith is in vain. 

The same power of resurrection is working in us today! If we don't believe in divine healing, we don't believe in the power of resurrection that raised Jesus. 

How can we believe in the resurrection power and disbelieve in divine healing? Belief in the resurrection power results in believing in divine healing. Otherwise, it's unbelief. 

- Adam and Eve stayed nourished and flourished in the garden of Eden, in the presence of God. 

- God kept Israel in divine healing in the wilderness journey. 

- Jesus healed all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. 

- The Holy Spirit is God too. He heals us just like the Father and Jesus did. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 

Are you walking in unbelief? Call out to Jesus. He will show you great and mighty things. Call out to the Father in Jesus' name so the power of resurrection works in your body daily and when you pray for others. 

When you pray, do you pray to believe? If not, your prayers will remain unheard. Do you desire healing for yourself or someone? Believe and see the glory of God.

Maranatha, praise God, and amen. 




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