What Is The Presence Of God?
We don't take God's presence seriously because we don't know how powerful God's presence is.
(Psalm 68:8) The earth shook, the heavens also dropped in the presence of God: Even Sinai itself moved in the presence of God, the God of Israel.
(Psalm 68:1-3) the enemies scatter, and wicked perish before the presence of God. But the righteous rejoice in His presence.
Moses knew the need for God's presence to move forward in life (Exodus 33:15). If we need to progress in life, we need Christ. We need the Spirit of God to lead us.
Another issue is we don't fear God. A dog grew up around the fire. Guess what he wasn't afraid of? The fire. Israel grew up with God. They took Him for granted and did not fear Him. A religious walk leaves a person without genuine zeal for God.
Many believer youth who grow up in church do not fear God. Some;
don't know Him (no love for saints)
don't understand His need (no knowledge)
don't care (love the world)
judge their elders (fleshly led)
think they know better (overconfident)
have a false sense of perfection (religious)
prefer other churches/pastors (more so because of social media attention)
There's an endless list of lies and deception of the devil against our children and believers.
When we neglect God's presence willfully, our (personal or family) prayers will become non-existent over time. It will turn into a formality where faith will no longer increase.
Turn to God. Wait in Him. Jesus is coming for those who look for Him daily. Not those who live fleshly lives. Get serious, and revere God's presence. He alone is worthy of praise and glory.
Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.