How To Stay Spiritually Alive In A Dying World?

The best way to stay spiritually alive is through the word of the living god.

Those who hate correction are spiritually dead.

Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die.

Proverbs 15:10

Some children when corrected, go behind the persons back to find fault with them. They go around telling others how bad this person is. How well they know them, etc. Such believers will never grow, and become suicidal over a period of time. When we give room for hate in our hearts, it leads to the murder of self.

Children or new believers (little child) are foolish (Proverbs 22:15). They do not know the new way yet, and need correction. It is God’s way of doing things. Few enjoy correction. Those who do, transform in Christ for the glory of God. How to correct the new in the Lord? With the rod of God’s word (Proverbs 23:13,14).

Correction helps us stay spiritually alive

We should not withhold correction because it saves a person from hell. Yet, there is a limit to how much correction is possible. The reason, some children refuse to understand and hold onto their own foolishness.

David, when corrected by Nathan, turned to God and repented with a broken heart. Saul refused to correction and ended up committing suicide.

Peter was often corrected by Jesus. Peter learned to take it in the right stride. He went on to become a great apostle.

God is patient and long-suffering. We see it in Prophet Jonah's life too. How God waited for Jonah to execute God's command. As sin increases, and love grows cold, being patient with one another is the need of the hour. In prayer, in supplication, in intercession and thanksgiving.

Prepare to meet Jesus, He is coming soon. Praise God and Amen.


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