Keep Jesus first, then the rest will get your best

Blood-related or Blood-of-Jesus related? How do you manage your priorities with either? 

Jesus established a family connected by the blood of Jesus - united in Spirit and Truth. 

The Old Testament children of God were connected by natural lineage. The New Testament children of God are connected supernaturally or spiritually. 

Jesus was rejected by his own family when He was ministering. His mother and brethren called Him mad (Mark 3:21), but later again they tried to call him away from His ministry work (Mark 3:31-35). Jesus reminds all who His real mother and brethren are - those who do the will of God.

What does Jesus say about those who prefer their family over God’s word? They are unworthy and will lose their life (Matthew 10:34-39). 

History is full of bloody, revengeful, family stories. Abel & Cain, Esau and Jacob, Joseph, etc. When we walk according to our own opinions and feelings, division will occur. If we accept Jesus as God, while others in the family don’t, there will be issues.

Keep Jesus first

Yet, there is power from God that works in favour of the believer. When he prays, God listens and saves the household (Acts 16:31). Pray for your family and provide what you can materially or financially. Help those near and dear to you, but never at the cost of God’s word and work in and through your life. 

The Christian life is hard, yet the only satisfying lifestyle. In time, God does what is best for our natural and supernatural family. 

“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians‬ ‭6:10‬)

When we keep the godly family first, we protect ourselves from falling apart. Only when we stand strong in the faith can we be of true use to our unsaved family or friends (people we meet in life). 

Maranatha, Praise God and Amen!


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