Turn to God to be free from evil natures

When we are unsaved, we are dead in sin. We are bound by evil natures that encourage us to walk in the corruption of this world. We are in darkness that cannot comprehend right from wrong.

God in His great mercy shows compassion and shines His light into our hearts. Now that we know God, and have received power, love and a sound mind, we have the choice to live the godly life. A life that empowers us to overcome evil on a daily basis.

What happens when anyone intentionally avoids God?

God gives them over to their own foolish thinking.

What happens to those who choose their own way?

They end up being filled with these evil natures;

  1. unrighteousness,
  2. fornication,
  3. wickedness,
  4. covetousness,
  5. maliciousness;
  6. full of envy,
  7. murder,
  8. debate,
  9. deceit,
  10. malignity;
  11. whisperers,
  12. backbiters,
  13. haters of God,
  14. despiteful,
  15. proud,
  16. boasters,
  17. inventors of evil things,
  18. disobedient to parents,
  19. without understanding,
  20. covenantbreakers,
  21. without natural affection,
  22. implacable, and
  23. unmerciful:

What is the end of such people?

They are worthy of death because not only do they do evil, they encourage others to do them as well.
‭‭(Romans‬ ‭1:28-32‬)

Only God can free us from the bondage of evil natures

We are exactly in a world as the Bible describes. Sin is increasing, love is waxing cold, yet grace of God abounds for those who want to repent and turn to God’s ways.

“if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

2 Chronicles‬ ‭7:14‬ ‭

What all do we need to do to overcome evil natures?

  1. Humble ourselves
  2. Pray
  3. Seek God’s face
  4. Turn from wicked ways

What will God do?

  1. Hear them
  2. Forgive them
  3. Heal their hearts

Examine your life today, get your victory over every evil nature that pursues you in Jesus name! Maranatha, Praise God and Amen.


People Series: Noah, the man who lived till the end


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