Receive your assurance from Christ to rest in life

God is not a man who says something and does not mean it or lie. His assurances are full of life and power.

We live in a world where we constantly face trials and temptations. Our battles, be it mental or physical, affect the spiritual.

Three statements of assurance from Christ Himself we cannot ignore are;

  1. Do not let your heart be troubled (John 14:1,2). Jesus is preparing a place for each one of us. All who keep believing till the end will see their hope fulfilled. Martha was quite troubled when Jesus visited her home. We must set our minds on things above and not on the earth. Learn to prioritize what’s critical for your spiritual life.
  2. Do not be afraid or host fear (John 14:27). Fear torments us. It saps our energy and makes us vulnerable to lies and faithlessness. Build your inner man through the Word. Words matter. Our safety and security are only in the Word of God. Love God. Obey His Word. Grow in His perfect love that casts out every fear (1 John 4:18). God’s peace is beyond human understanding that will help you overcome every fear.
  3. Do not worry or be anxious (Matthew 6:25). All those who worry about their earthly needs have little faith. Jesus encourages us to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness daily. When we seek godly rest and joy, He takes care of all our needs (Matthew 6:33).

When God assures us, it is certain. The Christian life is the only certain path and not one to be doubted. Man is not God to fulfil promises. No one can limit God like a man to break a promise or lack in His commitment. There is no comparison because there is none like our Great Jehovah.

Believe what Jesus says. Desire Him daily. He is faithful and true. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


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