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Testimony: How God Saved Me From Catching COVID 19, Warning Me In A Dream

"A few days ago God saved me from corona. God spoke to me through a dream. A week ago, I had a dream where I was walking towards a grocery store near my house. In my dream, when I got closer to the store, I noticed a large net with hooks on it. I realised if I get any closer or try getting anything from the store those hooks would harm me. I immediately woke up in fright. Next morning, I decided I’ll avoid the grocery store for a few days. Few days later, I received news that the grocery store owner had tested positive for corona. All who came in contact were in danger. I realised God saved me. I thank God for helping me make the decision to not go to that particular store store for those few days.”

Brother in christ

"God saved me", and He will save you too

Isn’t God wonderful? How He cares for us!
God speaks through dreams to fulfil His plan. Yo protect His own from harms and dangers. He makes it clear for the believer to know it is from Him.

God warned Joseph through a dream to take child Jesus away. God warned the wise men through a dream to escape Herod.

Joseph shared his dream of the seven years of famine and blessing in Egypt. Pharaoh too, received a dream of abundant food in Egypt… etc.

Be in prayer, pray before you sleep, let God speak to you through dreams.

Avoid too much activity throughout the day which leads to restless dreams

Ecclesiastes 5:3

Do what is necessary for the day: give quality time to God. Start and end the day with God. Use whatever time you get during your work to thank and praise Him.

If we keep ourselves busy to overcome anxiety, we aren’t helping ourselves. All such business activities give us restless dreams. Rest in God.

If you are anxious, pray. Pray till you are free, and have the strength to pray for others.

Maranatha, Praise God and Amen!