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Seek good because God is good to all mankind

Do people seek good naturally? Not really. They pursue their own. Man is full of darkness, and his love for good focuses on selfish gains. Some men do good because they feel good about doing good, yet, it remains rooted in self. 

What differentiates a believer from a non-believer? While the non-believer knows how to do good, his why is rooted in what he believes is right. On the other hand, the believer's reason is Christ alone. Without Christ, no one can do good. 

Only God is good. What God says to do is always for good. Obedience out of love helps the believer to do the will of God that is good. God is always right and perfect in all His ways. 

Want to seek good all the days of your life on earth? Seek God.

Diligently hunger and thirst for God who is good (Proverbs 11:27).

Are you baptised with the Holy Spirit? If not, seek Him because He is good (Luke 11:9-13). If you are Spirit-baptised, hunger and thirst to be revived by Him daily.

Jesus desires we first seek the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33), who is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is righteousness, peace and joy (Romans 14:17). 

  1. The best good we can seek as believers in a broken world is God's righteousness, which keeps us on track.
  2. Seek His peace so we can be of comfort to others.
  3. His joy so we can bring Jesus to the world around us.
  4. Desire God’s word that sanctifies and sets us free (John 17:17).
  5. Learn humility and lowliness of heart (Matthew 11:29).

When we love God with all our hearts, we will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). 

When we seek His wisdom like silver and riches, He will keep us protected till His day.

Who and what are you seeking today? Seek Jesus daily. Maranatha, praise God, and amen.