Social Media Platforms Is Harmful For Those Weak In Faith

Social media is harmful. But it doesn't need to be if your heart is rooted in Christ. 

Indeed, technology needs to safeguard human vulnerabilities, not exploit them. 

What is social media doing to hearts and minds? (1 John 2:15-17)

  1. Tempting you to pursue a better life in this world (Pride of life)
  2. Entices you into a false vision of what's right and wrong (lust of the eyes)
  3. Triggers fleshly passions that defile (lust of the flesh)

What can you expect from a world increasing in sin? Exactly the above. The sinful man only understands the needs of the flesh. So his entire philosophy rests on living the best life on earth. A temporal and godless lifestyle that eventually leads to bestiality and unnatural lifestyles. (Romans 1)

What are social media platforms aiming for? Collect as much data about you as they can to sell to advertisers. 

What are advertisers and most content creators aiming for using these social media platforms? 

To attract and sell their products to as many humans as they can. More people equals more money. 

You end up pursuing money to fulfil the aspirational value created by these brands and start spending. A craving for money develops, triggering worldly thinking and lifestyles. 

A Christian is already equipped or has an environment to preserve his inner man from being exploited by technologies that manipulate. The environment of prayer and godly fellowship. 

How do we navigate a world that continues to influence us into worldliness and carnality? Meditate on the Word of God that corrects and spiritually shapes us for eternity. 

If Jesus is all you need, He will provide all your needs and more (Matthew 6:33). 

Without a heavenly vision, we cannot overcome earthly inclinations and lusts. God's word and Spirit cleanse us from every filthiness of the flesh and spirit. 

Prepare to meet Jesus. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen. 


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