No one can go against God's anointed is true

“Don’t go against the ministers of God.” A statement often used subtly to dominate; has crippled the faith of almost all believers from living out the truth in Christ.

What does it even mean?
Who can go against God’s anointed? No one.

Where did the above quote generate from? 1 Chronicles 16:22. Who is God’s anointed? David talks about all Israel. Which means all those called into this marvellous light and baptised by the Holy Spirit is anointed.

God is not biased to let ministers who wilfully do wrong, get away because they do God’s work. God is not a respecter of persons.

Every appointment is anointed even though the anointed may not be appointed. It’s not about your appointment it’s about the anointing that fulfils the work of obedience in you. When appointed by God for a work - do it humbly as examples or God will end it for you if you do not repent.

King Saul, anointed and appointed of God fell away. So did Judas and Demas and many others in the Bible who fell away.

As God’s anointed stay under the shadow of the Almighty

As God’s anointed, dear brother and sister. when lorded over by a bully servant of God, call out to God for their sake. Love them. Meekly correct them. If they don’t listen, and continue in their wickedness, step away for a time to only pray for their soul.

Never be afraid of a servant of God, as a believer. God did not lead us to them to be afraid and live insecurely. But, to grow in the confidence of the Lord. To love and respect them and encourage them along the way. Do not be like licking dogs who take sides.

We are in the end times. The labourers are few. You are the labourer of God. Get out of false shadows and come under the shadow of the almighty. Redeem the time. Jesus is coming soon. Maranatha, Praise God and Amen.


How to walk in freedom in this world?


I don't see how I'm growing in faith at all