Depend On Jesus, Not On Your Minister For Life

Godly ministers are increasingly hard to find because of how comfortable the body of Christ is getting lately. Material blessings have a way to drop our standards of devotion and commitment to God and His flock.

In the Old Testament, godly Prophets would direct Kings concerning God’s will about their kingdom or future.

King David desired to build the house of God. Prophet Nathan, without checking with God, said to go ahead and do as his heart pleases and that God was with him. God intervened asking Nathan to not permit David to build the temple. God's will was to get King Solomon to build one.

The minister does not have the permission to speak outside of God's will. He needs to first pray and be united with God; where he is led by God's perfect will to speak into his flocks lives.

Many believers today have been blinded by twisted ministers. Encouraging people to go abroad without seeking God's will. Take up careers that eventually make the believer compromise their faith. Make poor, emotionally led decisions that affect believers relationships. Often, this has led to ministers living comfortable lives at the cost of spiritual growth.

Listen to the Holy Spirit, honour your Minister

God gave us the Holy Spirit so we do not need to depend on man, which includes some people of God. The New Testament believer is a King and Priest. The minister has a place in every believer's life, but not to make decisions for them. The ministers calling is to preach the word (2 Timothy 3:16) and pray (Acts 6:4).

Worldly culture promotes religion that is not of God. Man blindly trusts what the top priests say, and stay dependent on them. Millions duped into living in spiritual misery, end up hating God and their very existence.

Honour every man of God, but learn to discern with the help of the Holy Spirit what's necessary for you.

Look at Jesus daily, give room for the Holy Spirit to guide you. Arise, prepare to meet Jesus. Maranatha, Praise god and Amen!


How To Manifest The Fruit Of The Spirit In Life?


People Series: Noah, the man who lived till the end