Are You Still In Your Grave Clothes
Many believers are still in grave clothes. Though the stone was rolled away, and Jesus called them out by name, they weren't free from their bindings. (John 1:39-44)
What are grave clothes? It is a covering for dead bodies. Dead Lazarus, now alive, needed his graveclothes removed as they covered his face, hands and feet.
Remaining in a dead state despite knowing God. A state of unbelief. It was evident in those with Jesus before He raised Lazarus from the dead.
FACE 😊 - No love. Lack of character. No identity. Faceless, nameless and nonexistent.
EYES 👀 - No godly vision
EARS 👂 - cannot hear the Shepherd's voice
NOSE 👃- not a sweet-smelling savour
MOUTH 👄 - cannot praise God nor speak truth in love
HANDS ✋- unclean works, selfish and sinful
FEET 🐾 - no good news of peace and holiness
The alive are active in love, walking in godly vision, listening to the Shepherd's voice and doing His perfect will. 🐑
God did not save us so that we get settled in this world. Seek His face daily to obey and do His will, otherwise, you will get frustrated with everyone and everything. We were created for God. Spending overtime for the things of this world at the cost of our time with God will wear us down.
Be loosed and go! Live freely for His glory in Jesus' name.
Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.