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3 Reasons Why A Prayer Life Transforms Lives

Prayer is the only answer to all our problems. We need to make sure problems aren’t the only reason we pray. The word says, pray without ceasing. Which means, be it good times or bad times, we need to be in prayer. Why? A prayer life transforms lives.

Believers need to be a people who are always praising God. Praising God through our words and actions. When can we really praise God through our words and actions? Only when our minds and hearts are overflowing with God's love.

How does a prayer life transforms lives?

1. Repentance from sin
2. Overcoming challenges
3. Divine healing

There are so many more reasons to pray. These are the most common issues we face on a regular basis.

The entry into this marvellous light requires a true repentance experience, not just mere quotation. A godly sorrow that instills in us a purpose to live for Jesus alone. In the journey of christian life, there are times we fall. Sin enters our lives again because of ignorance or neglect of God's word. Prayer brings us into perspective. God's perspective.

David sinned terribly in the sight of God. His prayer of repentance saved him from destruction. God restored him.

Jesus said, watch and pray so we can overcome temptations. Whether trials or temptations, a challenge needs overcoming. King Jehoshaphat had to face a mighty army, much bigger than his. He knew he could not overcome it without God’s help. He ans the entire kingdom fasted and prayed. Their enemies were defeated.

The man by the pool of Bethseda was sick for 38 years, one word from Jesus and he was healed. A man who could not move, lifted up his bed and walked.

Are you living in sin? Repent.
Is there a situation too hard to handle? Trust God.
Are you sick? Believe and receive your healing.

Pray like Jesus. Trust like Jesus. Walk in Divine health like Jesus. Maranatha, Praise God and Amen!