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What Does The Eyes Of The Lord Do?

The eyes of the Lord does more than we can imagine. Isn’t it wonderful to know God’s eyes are constantly watching over us? We are righteous in His sight. Stop condemning yourself and let Him turn your tears into joy.

“The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, And his ears are open unto their cry.”

Psalm‬ ‭34:15‬ ‭

Three things the eyes of the Lord does.

“The eyes of the LORD preserve knowledge, And he overthroweth the words of the transgressor.”

Proverbs 22:12

The knowledge of the word of God protects us. Protects us from perishing spiritually. God says, my people perish because of lack of knowledge. Our knowledge comes from God alone. Look into His eyes of love. Daily, we face lies and all kinds of opposition - enough evil in one day, as Jesus says. Trusting in the knowledge that God gives us helps us to navigate the daily evil we need to face.

“The eyes of the LORD are in every place, Beholding the evil and the good.”

Proverbs‬ ‭15:3‬ ‭

He is watching both evil and good. Many often complain that what is God doing when all chaos breaks loose on earth? Well, He is watching everything to answer in due time. What may seem like a delay is His patience and knowledge about us at work. He knows us better than we can ever know ourselves.

“For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, And he pondereth all his goings.”

Proverbs 5:21

God is watching man and all his ways. No one can escape nor hide from God. Adam hid from God. God knew what Adam did; yet asked him so he could consider his ways and repent. Instead he blamed God and Eve. God could’ve finished Adam then and there, but He was gracious. While we expected judgement, God sent Jesus to die for our disobedient ways.

Isn’t it assuring and comforting knowing God is in control? Our Heavenly Father is a loving God who will bring justice for all in due time. Prepare yourself in the word of God. Be judged by the word now to live a life of freedom forever. Maranatha, praise God and amen.