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How to walk with God?

To walk with God we need to keep in mind one key thing. Adam was told to eat off every tree tree, but one. While he obeyed initially, he got carried away by his own curiosity after being tempted by the devil. Often we go ahead without checking with God, knowing we need to stay away from something or sometimes in the spur of the moment we give in to a temptation.

God has commanded Moses to speak to the rock (Numbers 20:8), nothing more. He was so full of anger because Israel only complained all the time, he smote the rock. Provoked by the Israelites, and in his frustration, Moses lost the opportunity to bring Israel. into the promised land of Canaan.

And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also. And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them. (Numbers 20:11,12)

Achan could not resist taking the beautiful robe after the battle at Ai. The Israelites were told not to take anything from the spoils of war (Joshua 7:20), they disobeyed the order.

Saul kept the best part his plunder of the Amalekites to sacrifice to God. He was told to destroy everything. Destroy Everything! (1 Samuel 15:15)

To walk with God, do what God says

When God says anything we need to do exactly that. Nothing more or less.

God doesn’t need our strategy plan or what we think will be good for Him. We need to do only what He desires. When we obey implicitly, we receive mighty wonders and miracles in return. Whether a new believer or old, the ask of God is simple. Obedience to His pure and perfect word.

Lets desire to hear from God and do only His will. He has everything in control. He knows what’s best for all of us. Maranatha, Praise God and Amen.