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How to know my thought is not the Devil’s thought?

How can I know my thought is not the Devil’s thought?

When God created Adam, did he worry about how to think? He had a mind of his own, but did he have to worry about anything at all. Initially he was full of awe and wonder. Everything was new for him. He was in the presence of God, in a beautiful garden unlike the rest of the earth, etc.

His mind learned to think as God spoke to him. His mind was conditioned by the words of God every evening, in the cool of the day. He never had to worry about how to think, he knew the word of God.

Since the fall of man, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Our mind is a place where we make decisions for life; a mind that comes alive in Christ at salvation. When we receive Jesus as our personal Saviour, we enter into the awesome presence of God. We are overcome by the power of truth that convicts us of who we are, who we belong to. Realising we are no more the same. We understand a new life has begun and there is a new way to live. We live according to the word of God.

Like innocent Adam before the fall who heeded every word of God, we too receive an innocence that is purifying and peaceful. We get a lot more, the most powerful force on earth - the Holy Spirit.

To know my thought is not the devil's thought I need to...

What does the word of God do to our thinking? It cleans us (John 15:3) (John 17:17). Our thoughts become pure and we live the simple life God has called us to live.

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” Psalms‬ ‭19:14‬

These verses need to be practiced by every believer to realise the power that manifests in us because of obedience to God's word. We readily agree with fallible, weak people we love - often get let down. God presents Himself to us, the most powerful and loving being so we may live happily forever.

Maranatha, Praise God & Amen!