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How To Keep Your Faith?

You believe in God, great! How is your faith today? Is your faith increasing or decreasing? Faith enables us to move forward. The shield of faith is to move forward in our spiritual walk (Ephesians 6:16).

While the answer is straightforward, the need to keep the faith is a serious challenge today.

We are battling daily against different voices in our heads.

Content thrown at us through various media forms we consume.

People we meet on a daily basis who speak to us positive or negative words. These words either uplift or burden us. Not all positive sounding words have their basis on scripture. Our reaction to each encounter reveals our spiritual standing. How equipped are you to face the daily exchange of information?

There is only one way to counter the attack on our inner man.

What is necessary to keep your faith?

You need to keep hearing the word of God.

We know, faith comes by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). And, without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Most importantly to grow, we need to believe HE IS.

How to keep hearing the word? Bring yourself to the throne of grace; prayer, bible meditation and fellowship.

Whatever your addictions, mental or emotional problems, come to the loving Heavenly Father. Let His Word sanctify your thinking and understanding (John 15:3; 17:17).

As we keep exposing ourselves to the word of God, the word of truth will set us free as we know Him (John 8:32).

Getting to know Jesus is the key to hearing the word of God. The Old Testament and New Testament saints waited in God’s presence to hear from God. Incline your heart to the Holy Spirit’s leading.

Be armed and warmed, Jesus is coming soon. Maranatha, Praise God and Amen!