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Your Identity Is Revealed In Your Personality And Character

The best spiritual exercise youth need to start early in life is to know their identity in Christ.

Knowing your identity alone can help you learn how to approach this evil world. Without understanding who you are, and, who you belong to, life will get burdensome. 

Personality & Character

Knowing your identity will help you work on your personality and character. Personality is the outward expression, and character is the inner strength. 

For example, a child of God's personality will reflect the humility of Jesus, and his character will reveal the fruit of the Spirit. 

Born again to now live for Jesus.

You are born again. It must mean something. If it doesn't, you have strayed away from knowing God. Without God, man is hopeless. If we don't keep God first, whatever else is first will burden us. 

Living for the world is easy because sin wired us to crave the things of this world. It gets interesting over time as we see our abilities bearing fruit. We get locked into a life that feeds our pride and lusts. 

Getting out of deep pride and habitual lusts begins to feel almost impossible, and then we start to justify our lifestyle by twisting the word of God. 

In the last days, the cares, the riches and pleasures of this life will hinder our journey to meet Jesus in the air. 

Dear believer, reclaim your walk with God before it gets late. In Christ Jesus is your identity. The time is short. Christ is coming soon. Praise God, and Amen.