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Your Future Is In God’s Hands

Are you worried about your future? Don't be. God is faithful in His promises. He provides all our needs and more when we trust in Him.

The fearful worry about everything. The fearful are hellbound (Revelation 21:8)

Pray to be filled with love that drives out fear and produces faith. (1 John 4:18)

The future is dependent on today.

What are you sowing every day?

How are you training for the day?

How are you redeeming the time?

Jesus said, live one day at a time (Matthew 6:34).

Each day has its troubles.

Are you overcoming these troubles?

Or are you ignoring them?

Do you know about these troubles?

Often, youth ask what is God's will and get burdened because they don't feel they are doing God's will. Many are distracted and triggered by what they see on social media. But listening to others all the time will never let you grow if you don't labour yourself.


  1. Pray and meditate on God's Word (1 Timothy 4:12-16)

  2. Fellowship with saints (Hebrews 10:24,25)

  3. Redeem the time (Ephesians 15-18)

A believer's identity is realised only through a personal relationship with God via prayer and meditation of the Word of God. The Holy Spirit is given to us to walk in sound mind, love and power.

Any believer who willfully skips fellowship with other believers is in a backslidden state. God has called us to provoke one another in love. But, most of the church still desires love, as if God's love in them isn't enough.

What are you doing with your time after church or office? Are you honing your abilities for the glory of God? Are you creative about approaching life and work to make more time with God?

Get serious with God in prayer. He will open your eyes to see the world freshly. The end is near.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.