You Can Be Mightier Than One Who Conquers A City!
Do you want to be mightier than the one who conquers a city?
Yes, it's possible, not with Superman-like strength, but by the power of the Holy Spirit.
King Solomon, the wise, realized that true power was in learning to control your spirit (Proverbs 16:32). He knew because he was led away by the pride of life and lusts of the flesh and eyes. He conquered the world around him but failed to conquer his heart.
Samson was a mighty man by the grace of God but could not control his spirit from being led away by silly women. If we take the lusts of the flesh and eyes lightly, we will face heavy consequences. Samson lost his consecration (hair) and vision (godly counsel) because of giving room to fleshly natures.
Only the Holy Spirit can mortify the deeds of the fleshly spirit.
Paul reminds us in Romans about the daily battle between the flesh and the spirit. If we live after the flesh, we will die: but if we give room for the Holy Spirit to mortify the deeds of the body, we will live. (Romans 8:13)
Jesus warned the disciples saying, you don't know what spirit you are (Luke 9:55). When Samaria refused to give place to Jesus, the disciples wanted to burn it down.
The body can be disciplined as the spirit of man can be disciplined by the word of God. God's word helps us live wisely, enabling us to guard our hearts against the devil's fiery darts. Only fools choose anger despite knowing God and being baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Joseph trusted in God and was able to control his spirit. So did most heroes of faith succeed by God's grace.
True success is in overcoming prideful natures. Many who have gained the world have lost it all because of the lack of control of their spirit.
Seek God's will. Be Jesus to the world. Maranatha, praise God, and amen.