Why Are Marriages Failing?
No one enters a godly marriage knowing the other person. The only person we know is Christ. People change. Christ never changes.
People change because both people need to grow. They grow together only when they agree in Christ. Christ is the standard for every godly relationship.
Both spouses leave their familiar worlds to embrace a new family and embark on a new future in Christ. It's an exciting journey WHEN CHRIST IS THE REASON. When Christ is not the reason, the excitement is temporary and fleshly troubles begin.
It is a step of faith. Our lives are a life of faith and that's why it's exciting. When we know Christ, the marriage is about glorifying Christ through the marriage, for example, Aquila and Priscilla, and the married apostles.
There are many reasons why. But who is responsible? The ones marrying, not their parents or Pastors. While we cannot ignore poor influences, the ultimate responsibility is on the husband and wife.
Here are five practical reasons found in conservative Pentecostal environments why marriages are failing.
Limited or almost no teaching in churches today emphasises the beauty of fellowship in marriage. While the beauty of fellowship is taught, its relevance in marriage is neglected.
Celibate ministers are scared that youth will not come into ministry in celibate ministries. They preach and teach in fear, spiritually crippling generations of believers. What they forget is that celibate ministries like Paul's are a calling of God. Paul also presents marriage as a choice for ministry, though he preferred doing it alone because he thought it was better for him and those who feel they may get distracted.
Some have personal biases and use scripture incorrectly. They push young people to get into ministry using manipulative techniques. Some speak against marriage privately to the youth. Some ministers tell youth during Holy Spirit infilling that they are for ministry, seeding thoughts during an emotional high. Some call them to church for various types of work and keep pushing them to "make a decision". Some ministers boast that such and such youth is their protege, etc. after they get into ministry. Such evil runs deep in conservative Pentecostal environs.
Believers in church positions who lack knowledge and please ministers rather than God. Such have no zeal for God. But show zeal for a minister's personal bias or useless traditions.
Youth who don't diligently seek God. But live wanton lives and then want to marry because they want to escape loneliness or being pushed into ministry.
We are in the last days, there is a great attack happening against marriages and the unity of saints. The foundation for both relationships requires Christ-like love that produces Christ-like faith.
Dear youth, desire Jesus more than anyone else. Desire His calling upon your life and do His perfect will. The time is short. Don't be deceived, what we sow, we reap. Sow in Christ, reap in the abundance of life in Him. Prepare to meet your eternal bridegroom, Jesus Christ.
Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.