When Must We Not Go Online With Ministry?
Taking the church online has become a controversial topic for most saints. Is it worth the controversy?
The leaders, in prayer and fasting, decided to not go online. Does anyone go against their CEO or top management if they make a business decision for the company? No. People quietly do their work, get their salary and live as peacefully as possible. Sadly, many saints rebel against the church leaders because they know that, unlike corporations, no one will file a case against them.
The online ministry will keep people from gathering physically (Acts 2:42-47/Hebrews 12:23). The pandemic has revealed how many refrain from attending church regularly because old messages are uploaded online. We were created to come together physically whenever possible. Greeting one another with a holy kiss is more than just a physical display of affection. It is a genuine in-person encounter where we lay ourselves bare before another unlike hiding behind a screen or textual communication.
Distractions are caused by attractions or notifications that will pull you away from what you need to be focusing on. There is enough research on the harms of online engagement and one-way learning.
AI technology can replicate videos and sermons to mislead weak believers. There are abundant haters online. Deepfake videos, voice manipulation, misinformation, and other forms of cybercrimes have increased which can easily mislead new and weak believers.
AGI technologies can improvise on the doctrine to suit the agenda of those controlling the technology. Platforms want more people to engage with them. AGI is a self-improving technology that can be set up to provide a new take on doctrines and merge with newer spiritual false doctrines.
Even among local leaders, some disagreements confuse the flock. The church gets divided, and spiritual breakdown manifests.
Every church has its direction. Unity is paramount in the last few days. Obedience with understanding is better than intelligent ideas.
At a time like these, disagreements should not divide the church. The flock need to grow up and shine for God's glory wherever they are. Be the light God called you to be. Use social media responsibly without invading organisational privacy.
May God give us grace to navigate the digital realm as spiritually minded believers.
Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.