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What to do till the coming of the Lord?

What should we do till the coming of the Lord?

‭‭Luke 19:12-13 KJV‬‬ - [12] He said, therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. [13] And he called his ten servants and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.

Jesus - nobleman. Coming soon.

OCCUPY TILL I COME - serve the house of God. (Joshua 24:15) Me and my family will serve the Lord.

HOLD FAST TILL I COME - (Revelation 2:25). To the church of Thyatira (means smell). Jacob says to children, you made me stink (Genesis 34:30). Paul says, you are a sweet-smelling savour for Christ. Smell reveals character. Revelation 2:19 - character of love, faith, etc. Hold fast to your character.

JUDGE NOTHING before time - (1 Corinthians 4:5). Don't take revenge or go against anyone. (Romans 12:19) Vengeance is His.

REVEAL THE LORD'S DEATH - (1 Corinthians 11:26). Sanctification isn’t only for the times we prepare for Holy communion. Every day, we need to sanctify ourselves.

BE PATIENT - (James 5:7,8). FARMER waits for the harvest. (James 5:10) consider the patience of the PROPHETS who waited to speak the word of God. Many prophets got killed, though they never went against any. (James 5:11)

JOB'S patience. We, of the period of grace, need to hold on patiently to the grace of God. The character of Job - Glorified God (Job 1:21). No sin with lips (Job 2:10). (Job 2:3) Perfect. Upright. Feared God. Hated evil. Job held fast to his integrity. (Job 19:25) Job speaks about Jesus, his redeemer who lives. He did not doubt Jesus or the redeemer who lives. (Job 19:13-19) Ten who hated God. (Job 23:8-10) (Job 42:2) Absolute trust in God. (Job 42:10) Prayed for friends.

Abraham did not reveal that he was about to sacrifice his only child, even to Sarah. Genesis 22:11,12 - now I know you love me. God testified about Abraham in the end, not in the beginning. Who should testify about life? God. Jesus said, my Father testifies about me (John 5:32).

Dear believer, consider the counsel of God. Look to Jesus. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.