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What is the standard of your faith life?

What’s the point of gaining the world and losing your soul? Gaining the world isn’t always about name or fame. It’s also about earthly relationships that we hold onto, incorrectly, to build a reputation.

A reputation founded on people-pleasing. Not the truth in God’s word.

God created us to be pleasing to Him first. We cannot please people without learning to please God first. Satisfying another requires genuine love; if it is not love, it will be fear. Without God’s love, we cannot genuinely care or be a cause of happiness for others. (‘Others’ does not include people who don’t want to be happy)

Often, no matter how good believers we are, we find ourselves agreeing or disagreeing out of fear. Both are dangerous, depending on the context. If we agree or disagree at the cost of the word of God, only to protect a relationship, we sin greatly. We reveal a bias (James 2:1). We have taken a step out of fear rather than faith.

Whatsoever is not of faith becomes sin (Romans 14:23).

Dig deeper and unravel your mysterious faith life with the word of God

There are way too many things we have in life we do without faith.

We can discover our standard of belief only when we dive deep into God’s word. Then, the word of God will stir you and help you grow, or you will continue in fear and give room for evil strongholds in your life.

The eventual outcome will lead to turning away from God. No believer desires to turn away after knowing God personally.

We are in the last days, and the devil is trying his best to trouble everyone who pursues Christ. Everything will be at stake.

When we are willing to put Jesus first, whatever is necessary is at stake will be preserved by God according to His will. Maranatha, Praise God and Amen!