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The Word of God Cleans Us Inside Out

I don't think anyone who sees dirt on his face after looking at a mirror decides to stay dirty and not clean up. Any sound person (one with a sound mind given by God) will immediately clean his face. God gave His children a sound mind. It also extends to common sense fleshly matters. 

James says those who hear the word and do not obey are like those who forget who they are (James 1:23). The mirror reveals our state, the outward appearance. 

God's word reveals our inward state. 

The word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any twoedged sword. It pierces even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

We get reminded of who we are, when we read the Bible. Christ is our image, and we are reminded of that fact to live out the life in Christ. 

The Word of God unwraps who we are as believers. He also reveals God's truth and power - His love for us and the mercy that allows us to come boldly before the throne of grace.

Many read their Bible daily, but there's no change in their lives. The Bible is the perfect law of liberty (James 1:25). It's the only book which can set us perfectly free. If you aren't reading with intent, you can never be free. There will be no change. 

What happens when we hear or study the Word of God with intent? The Spirit of God will use our tongues for His glory and our lives poured into good works. (James 1:26, 27)

The fervent prayer of a righteous man is profitable spiritually. God desires a diligent walk daily. We've learnt to clean our face and get fresh for earthly responsibilites daily. Now, we need to be fresh spiritually to reflect Jesus daily. 

May God help us stay faithful everyday in our prayers and Bible meditation. Maranatha, praise God, and Amen.