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Only the peace of God enables a life of faith

Some willfully sinful believers claim to have inner peace. Is it peace? Or a lull before a life-storm?

Sadly, those who do not repent get pushed towards rejecting the true Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.

Not all who are quiet have peace.

Let that sink in.

Every other peace, apart from Christ, is blindness or numbness caused by Satan. Deceived, we move away from the whole truth. We move into indifference for specific scriptures, followed by a total lack of love for God's word.

Today, social media is replete with false Christians claiming to leave Christianity because God’s word is outdated. The truth is, they never knew the living, unchanging, everlasting God!

Peace of God delivers you during trials and temptations

  1. Abraham held his peace when he took his son to the mountain to sacrifice.
  2. Joseph had inner peace during the 20 years of bondage.
  3. King Solomon's kingdom reigning in peace throughout is a result of God's wisdom.
  4. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stood in the fire. They remained in the peace of God.
  5. Daniel had inner peace. Despite standing inside a den full of hungry lions.
  6. King David held his peace when his own went against him.
  7. The apostles peacefully went through persecution meted out in them.

In each case, the peace of God brought clarity and courage to the lives of faith heroes. The peace of Christ enables the righteous to examine his ways daily.

Faith-life can only stay preserved in the peace of Christ. Before Jesus ascended, He left His peace so the disciples could wait in obedience and receive the power of the Holy Spirit.

Dear brother, and sister, devour the Word to fill your heart with peace. Pray, so you get filled with God’s love daily. Inner peace in Christ will become a natural phenomenon.

The day is near when Jesus will come. Be ready to welcome Jesus, our Bridegroom. Praise God, and Amen.