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The 4 Lepers At The Gate...

The truth is - throughout life one will always have different kinds of teachers!!And ofcourse, if you have a seeing eye and a hearing ear, you WILL learn; from the rejected as well! 😇 I mean, even a leper can teach you so many things. I am sure you must have seen them somewhere. No one readily accepts anything from the hands of a leper. But I was very happy to learn a few things from them which I want to share with you.‬‬You can read about these 4 lepers here. FYI - Leviticus 13:44-46 explains what needs to be done to an Israelite who has been affected by leprosy. In short, a leper is someone who is hated and rejected by all because of their sickness.This was during the Old Testament period.However Jesus accepted anyone and everyone who came to Him🙂 He never rejected any person who came to Him!!The Good News is -- We, the New Testament Israelite, have the privilege of coming boldly to Jesus. Whatever the situation we may be in, does not matter! Through His death on the Cross, Jesus opened a new and a living way for us.

The Lepers Story:

It's obvious the living conditions of these lepers were despicable. Their city Samaria was reeling under a great famine. People went to the extent of eating their own kids - 2 Kings 6:25-28. So, they made the best decision -- of taking that step of faith. They boldly stepped into the camp of the enemy in search of food. Normally no would dare to do that. To their great amazement they found the place empty - 2 kings 7:3-20.They were as those who gathered the spoil after a great loot. Not only did they find food for themselves but they also found equipments, clothes, horses and chariots etc. You know what had happened?The Syrian army heard the sound of a great army coming against them. God worked a miracle for the Israelites. The Syrians out of fear left their camp and ran for their lives. That was when these 4 lepers entered the camp and filled their bellies to their heart's content. While returning, they also informed the palace guards in Samaria that there was plenty of food and provision left by the Syrian army.4 things about them which I really liked:

  • They were ready to die.
  • Spirit of firm faith was found in them.
  • They were not selfish.
  • They had no fear of death.

Sometimes we might think - I can't do this. My faith isn't so strong etc. But even with that little faith if we press forward, the Lord will remove all obstacles and do great things for us. The step of faith the lepers took was equivalent to a host of army ready to fight for them. Similarly to get victory over Satan we need to step ahead by faith.Therefore I would encourage you to let go of your fears and take that step of faith boldly - to go ahead and live for Him. Remember God is with you. He won't fail you. Never!!Be blessed!