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Testimony: At Gunpoint God’s Grace Prevails!

They that trust upon the Lord are as steady as Mt. Zion and nothing can move them.

Some time back, I heard this beautiful testimony of a sister who loved the Lord dearly. Once she lived a life without knowing Him. But the day she got to know about Jesus, she fell in love with Him. There was no turning back thereafter. She was regular with fellowship, attended all Church meetings and had a close walk with Jesus. Many were blessed by her life and deeds.

But her husband was a non-believer. He wasn’t very happy with his wife going to church regularly and being so much into “Jesus”. Slowly he began putting obstacles before her so that she would lose interest and gradually stop going. Yet, this sister never retaliated but dealt every occasion peacefully and prayerfully.

One day her husband got really angry and was planning an assault on her. He thought of accusing her of stealing his money from the closet and then killing her. So, before leaving for work one particular day, he locked the closet and took his key along. On the way, he threw the keys into the ocean and headed for work.

That day as usual this sister went to church and after prayers she went straight to the local fish market. She had also planned of making a tasty meal for her husband that day. God’s ways are marvellous and no plan against His children will ever prosper.

Look what God did —- While preparing the fish, she found a key in the fish’s belly and it looked exactly like her husband’s closet keys. The keys on the hook were also missing and so she placed that key on the hook and continued doing her work. She didn’t even have the faintest idea of what her husband was upto.

Her husband came back fully drunk and in a fit of rage. He was determined to finish his wife. As soon as he came inside the house, he began shouting and blaming her for being careless and irresponsible. Finally he accused her of losing his closet key, leapt forward to grab her by the neck and pulled out his gun to shoot her.

Moving towards the hook and pointing to it, she asked him if he was referring to that key. He was dumbfounded. How on earth did the key end upon the hook when he had thrown it into the ocean? And how did his wife buy exactly that fish which had swallowed the key? With a smile this sister narrated the entire story. Her husband immediately had a change of heart, knelt down before his wife and asked her to pray for him.

Her trust was upon the Lord who makes everything possible out of impossible. Her husband got saved later and became a good believer. She had a strong faith that God would not let her be ashamed. Hence let us also learn to place our complete trust on God for His ways are wonderful and His leading victorious.

Be blessed 💕

Note: Names and certain incidents are omitted for anonymity without compromising on the essence, for the edification of readers and believers.