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How to navigate this life?

I've tried to live on my own confidence. It's Exciting at first, but too tiresome. It's tiring because it's mentally stressful.We are spirit (mental), soul (emotions) and body (flesh). Man cannot live beyond the natural because he is earthly. He is made of dust. He is fleshly. He lives for his body. His spirit is subject to the desires of the body, as his soul searches for rest. His spirit and soul becomes conditioned by his surroundings. Death makes his existence temporary. The body dies, what about the spirit and soul?Whatever he feeds his spirit, controls him, or he is drawn to it. If life is eternal then there needs to be a different way of living.What was I feeding my spirit initially? I've tried to please myself with the pleasures of this world. Food, fashions, entertainment, etc. nothing lasts. Everything on this planet is a temporary offering to soothe the mind and hearts desires or cravings. I kept living in my own philosophies and got conditioned by the worldly selfish mindset.Being born into a Christian family does not guarantee heaven. It takes a personal encounter with God which changes it all. Sometimes, for those who are born into Christianity, multiple encounters with God's Word and life's bashing.Whatever is free, is mostly taken for granted. I grew up listening to 'Jesus is all that matters'. I lacked nothing growing up. Yet, when I was left alone, discovered the chinks in my armour. I had almost no armour.Jesus took care of me in time of need. It was as if "Jarvis" knew I needed help before I could call out to him. You know Jarvis? Ironman? No? Let it be. Anyways.The worst part as a child, I did not fully comprehend I was depressed when I secretly sinning. I often questioned my actions because they were contrary to what I believed in my heart.So here I was, a believer, believed that Jesus is the only ONE. Yet, is drawn towards horrible desires that tears the heart apart. That wrestling inside, between the spirit and the flesh was so real, yet seemed impossible to comprehend.Then one day, after finally giving up on this life, turned to God. Pursued Him with tears. Only to find that He was always beside me. Sigh! This encounter is critical to free the man off his fleshly bindings and live supernaturally.This is every Christian prodigals story in gist. Nevertheless, each one is unique, special in God's sight. Since I'm special in God's sight then let Him have all of me.What should I feed my spirit? Jesus. Get to know Him more and more.How has it changed my life? I'm free. Free from the bondage of sin, sickness and death. I know my identity. I know where I came from and where I'm called to, and how I need to approach this life.The world and all its vanities will be destroyed. An eternity awaits, what's your choice? Eternal life full of amazing surprises in Christ or an unimaginably terrorising life in hell.The choice will always be ours at the end of the day. Every decision we make on earth is a step towards eternal life or eternal death. Choose wisely. Jesus is calling you. Taste and see, He is good.