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How To Know Your Identity As A Believer?

Do you know your identity as a believer? Who are you believer? You are who you are, based on what God thinks about you. Not what you think about yourself. While what you think about you is important, if it isn’t what God tells you then you need to correct your thinking.

We were lost before knowing Christ. No more, because He brought us into a marvellous light. All who accept Jesus as their personal Saviour have a new identity in Christ.

What is your identity as a believer?

Peter the apostle, inspired by the Holy Spirit, says this about all believers;

  1. Chosen generation - Born again, Water and Spirit Baptised (John 3:3,5)
  2. Royal priesthood - King and Priest (Revelation 1:6)
  3. Holy nation - Virginity (2 Corinthians 11:2)
  4. Peculiar people - Heavenly Citizens (Ephesians 2:6)

God chose us out of His good pleasure (1 Samuel 12:22). It pleased Him to bruise Jesus on the cross (Isaiah 53:10) so we may be free from sin, sickness, fear and death. If this is not unconditional love then what is?

But it was the Lord’s good plan to crush him (Jesus) and cause him grief. Yet when his life is made an offering for sin, he will have many descendants. He will enjoy a long life, and the Lord’s good plan will prosper in his hands.

We need to start believing what God has promised so we can see His glory in our lives. Till then, you will not understand life. Jesus is life that needs to become our lifestyle. God gave us Jesus so we may bring Jesus to others. There’s always going to be abundant supply of grace even when sin is abounding in the world.

Believe and see the glory of God. Maranatha, Praise For and Amen.