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Got Life? Live Him

Have you been working very hard at your job? Is your daily workday schedule burdensome? Or do you enjoy your job so much that you spend more time working on temporary things? 

Either way, Christ hasn't risen for you yet. Jesus said to labour for eternal things (John 6:27). 

The above words may sound extreme, but is it? Shouldn't Christ's resurrection impact your life more than slaving away at perishable goals? A job is necessary but not worth spending away the gift of salvation. Do your job, but don't spend your life for it. 

Israel had grown in great numbers but failed to recognize their strength. Many believers have become so spent labouring for the world that they cannot see their value. 

Labouring mechanically leads to a false understanding of God's blessings. Material and financial wealth have become the goal of believers. The Israelites had become comfortable with predictable wealth creation rather than trusting (and resting) in God and doing His will. 

You are a New Testament Believer

Many believers are stuck in the Old Testament as they live the 'Christian' life. They quote verses of prosperity that pertain to this life. The New Testament ministry encourages spiritual growth and being content with food and clothing as the basic earthly needs. God chooses to bring material or financial prosperity to some believers. We need not pursue it. But everyone needs to grow in the unity of faith. Today, we are witnessing a great decline in doctrine, correction, rebuke and instruction in righteousness in believers and ministers.

Paul was a full-time apostle, but he also funded his ministry to give to the needy fellowship. He calls himself a prisoner of Christ (Ephesians 3:1/4:1), enslaved to Christ. He reminds us to follow him. 

Has Christ risen? Then, get enslaved to Jesus and not your job.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.