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God Can Lift Us From The Grave

Impossible is nothing.

Just do it.

Think different.

Never follow.

Where dreams come true.

Brands are constantly using slogans to encourage buyers into action. To build a reputation for themselves so people believe and become loyal users of their products.

Growing up, we often fall into these psychological games. We become brand-conscious and maintain "standards" that reflect our status on earth. We raise brands to the standard of gods.

A false reality follows. We become hopeless because of believing in false worldly narratives. 

God asks Ezekiel a question only He could truly answer (Ezekiel 37:1-14). 

(Ezekiel 37:3) And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” And I answered, “O Lord God, You know.” 

Israel was in a lost state. In verse 11, we see the things Israel says about themselves. In the previous verses, God reveals that He can do the impossible. 


  1. Our bones are dried - life without doctrine

  2. Our hope is lost - no love for Jesus appearing 

  3. Parts cut off - no unity with Christ, the Head, and the body of Christ

The state of the church today is like that of Israel. Many believers come to church but do not live by faith upholding the doctrines. Their mind is not in God's work, to save souls and build the house of God. Therefore, they are cut off spiritually from God and fellowship, even though they go to church.


verse 12,13 / God will get us out of the grave! Yes, dearly beloved, God will raise us from the impossible. He will make all things possible for those who trust in Him! 

verse 14/ HOW? God will send His Spirit. The Spirit of God that raised Jesus from the dead is working in us today mightily. Give room in your heart and let His love prepare you for the rapture.

Get out of your dead spiritual state. Respond to God's word in humility to face persecution and trials. As you live the godly life, hate this world and the things of this world. Our time is short. 

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.