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An Evident Love Life

How can you tell if someone loves you?

There are seven universally agreed-upon ways to know if someone loves you.

  1. They will put your needs above theirs

  2. Show physical affection, pat, hug, kiss, or hold hands

  3. Listen and openly or honestly speak to you

  4. Support you in your journey

  5. Make time to be with you

  6. Evidence concern for your well-being

  7. They may go out of their way to do things for you

How do you react when someone loves you this way? Will you ignore them or go out of the way to take a deeper interest in their lives?

While you have seen the above examples around you, is Christ's love for you evident?

Jesus loved us first and did way more than we can imagine to express His love for us. He continues to love us as the living God.

Is Jesus, the living God, loving you? Do you find yourself connecting with Him at a deeper level?

We cannot deny, as believers, that Jesus loves us. Yet, how has His daily doting on you transformed your life?

Examine your relationship with Jesus today! He is all you need.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.