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30 signs of a church in decline

What are a few signs of a church in decline?

  1. Fear the pastor. No fear of God

  2. Choose useless traditions over doctrinal truth

  3. Desire ministry without consecration

  4. People-pleasing, not God-pleasing

  5. Desire the honour of men

  6. Neglect meetings for non-emergencies

  7. Compromise spiritual growth for earthly blessings

  8. Sermons that reveal personal bias against marriage

  9. Emotionalism, not Spirit-led

  10. Sunday school is a formality

  11. Confuse music and singing with worship

  12. Love for language, place, family, etc.

  13. Depend on man and medicines rather than God's word

  14. Seek spiritual counselling from worldly people instead of the Holy Spirit

  15. Listen to seducing spirits

  16. Speak lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared

  17. Forbid marriage

  18. Forbid eating certain types of food. Veganism, etc.

  19. Self-lovers, proud and boastful

  20. Ungrateful and blasphemous

  21. Greedy for position, fame and name

  22. Unholy

  23. No love for others

  24. Unforgiving

  25. False accusers and divisiveness

  26. Speak of good, do not love good

  27. Act godly but do not believe in the power of God

  28. Backstabbing saints

  29. Love pleasures rather than God

  30. Desire to rule rather than lead by example

We are in the last days. It should not come as a surprise to us. The Bible has already warned us about these matters. Let nothing among these creep into our lives. May God help us stay faithful till the end.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.